All of our projects incorporate the Ethical Global Research Toolkit.

FIELD Network

This project aims to provide Food security Intelligence and Evidence-based interventions for sustainable Local Development in support of One Health and Planetary Health resilience.

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Recycling Ruins

The project explores how disasters spur value creation in global recycling and construction, and how refugee/migrants’ are positioned in supply chains.

Refugee Labour Under Lockdown

This project explores how COVID-19 has reshaped Syrian farmworkers’ economic hardship, freedom of movement, and relationships of dependency with agricultural middlemen and employers in northern Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

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From the Field

This project explores the impact of COVID-19 and corresponding risk mitigation strategies (border closures, movement restrictions) on the lives and livelihoods of displaced Syrians living in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraqi Kurdistan and northern Syria.

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This project seeks to address water poverty and a lack of safe, clean water for drinking, sanitation, and irrigation in Syria



This project aims to improve mobilisation of local cultural and technical knowledge and experience so that it can be effectively incorporated into socio-economic development and reconstruction programmes to ensure a successful transition away from humanitarian aid to longer-term contingency planning for food security.

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This project explores the following question: How can the intangible cultural heritage of displaced Syrian agricultural communities, notably traditional harvesting songs, become the basis of collective actions for an innovative approach to sustainable development in Middle Eastern host countries and Syria?